Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Sew on a Button...Copyright Critique #2

This is a video demonstrating how to sew on a button.  I could use this in the classroom for the students to view at home if they need to.  I believe this is used appropriately assuming the music is from FreePlay or some source that allows it to be used.  I like how the video gives a link at the top, so if my students need to find more information or more sewing tips, they can.  I could use this in a classroom setting without having to seek permission from cyberseams because I would use it for educational purposes.

Kneading Bread Dough...Copyright Critique

I think this video follows copyright rules because there is little music used, and it is for an educational purpose, so it does not need to be cited.  Also, the website that this information and more can be retrieved from is given at the end of the video.  I could freely use this video in the classroom because the website is given and I would use it for educational purposes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Copyrights Assignment Redo

Part 1...

I enjoyed learning about copyright again by watching these videos.  It's interesting how education is viewed important enough so that oftentimes we do not have to worry about using copyrighted materials if we use them correctly.  The last video was most educational for me because he laid out exactly how to use copyrighted material appropriately.  I also like that he shared websites where we, as teachers, can get information without having to worry about breaking any copyright rules.  This will be nice when I'm teaching because I automatically have a few great resources where I can browse photos and music to use in my teaching.  I learned a lot from these videos.    

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Make French Bread

Standard 5: Objective 3:  Prepare and present quality bakery items.

I created a how-to video for making french bread, which I could use in a Nutrition, Foods, or Culinary Arts class.  I could use instructional video projects in my classes very often to demonstrate exactly how to make something.  It may be difficult sometimes for all my students to see what I am doing up close, so at the end of each class, I could send my students a video for them to watch at home.  In Nutrition, Foods, or a Culinary Arts, this would allow them another material to help them learn besides the recipe and class demonstration.  I could also demonstrate sewing techniques through instructional videos, so if the students wanted to work on their assignments at home, they could pull up the video and be reminded exactly how to do it.  Instructional videos could also be used in a Teen Living class, but the students could make them.  They could work in groups to make skits showing how teens can deal with specific experiences in their teen lives, such as curfew, identity, self-esteem, family, and friend issues.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Talked with my Mom :)

I talked with my mom who is in her early 50s. I asked her if she knew anything about cyberbullying, and she said she did.  She explained to me what she knew about it, and we talked about how I, as a teacher, can help prevent bullying.  She suggested the same things that I had thought about- encouraging my students to be respectful and not engage in cyberbullying and creating an environment in which my students could feel comfortable approaching me if they know cyberbullying is taking place.
Then I shared this quote with her from Elder Bednar's talk: "Please be careful of becoming so immersed and engrossed in pixels, texting, ear buds, twittering, online social networking, and potentially addictive uses of media and the Internet that you fail to recognize the importance of your physical body and miss the richness of person-to-person communication."  My mom explained that when people spend most of their communication time virtually through Facebook, Twitter, texting, etc. then they lose the art of listening, eye contact, understanding body language, and relating to people.  I asked my mom where you draw the line with texting or Facebook.  Where do you draw the line or when is it wrong?  My mom suggested that I ask myself "Am I doing this to build or maintain a relationship, or am I doing this to get information across?"  Then, she encouraged me to stick to the latter.  I think that is rally great advice. and I've already started using it.  Overall, this conversation was very valuable.  I learned a lot about myself-my habits and beliefs- and how easy it is to fall into virtual relationships.  I realized that I am going to have to directly discuss this issue with my children because the world is accepting it so much.  This discussion with my mom was easy, thought-provoking, and eye-opening, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to do it.

Internet Safety

I read these articles:,4945,538-1-4830-1,00.html

I think the most important thing that I learned from these readings is that, because the world is so involved in virtual communication and experience, I must watch myself and my loved ones very closely to make sure we don't fall into the trap of living life virtually.
As a teacher, I will educate my students on the effects of cyberbullying.  I will also create an environment where my students will feel comfortable approaching me if they feel they are being cyberbullied.  As a parent, I will do the same with my children.  I will teach them not to cyberbully and will also share with them the importance of living life as it is, not as it appears to be.  I will encourage my children to play outside, be creative with their activities, and spend time with their friends in person rather than through texting, facebook, or whatever else may be invented by this time.  I will provide my children with materials that make these things possible.
I will use what I have learned to improve my relationships with my family members and friends.  I will try not to text so much.  I will try to save stories, information, and exciting news for when I am actually in the presence of my friends and family, if possible and wise.  I really am going to try to text those people less who I know I can spend time with instead.
I think one way to prevent cyberbullying is to encourage kindness and respect.  I think also explaining to my students and children how prevalent cyberbullying is in our society and giving examples of it will help them realize how easy it is to do.  They then may realize the negative effects it has on people.

Monday, November 21, 2011


This is what I am thinking for the Instructional Video.  I will be doing the sewing and video this week when I am at home with access to a sewing machine, and I will be using Windows Movie Maker.
(print as many of these as needed)
Name: Lexi Hixson
UEN Standard:
Standard 1: Students will be able to recognize basic sewing equipment.

Students will demonstrate basic construction techniques.

Lesson Objective:
Objective 1: Identify sewing machine parts and their function, safety, and maintenance.

Objective 1: Complete appropriate seam finishes.
A picture of the sewing machine and cloth.

The title will be across the picture, and music will play in the background.
A video of me threading the sewing machine.

I will say along with it exactly what I am doing.
I will show a video of me folding the cloth over, ironing it, and finishing the seam.


I will describe the steps as I do this.
Questions regarding what was taught will show up on the screen.

Music will play in the background.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google SketchUp

I enjoyed playing with Google SketchUp for a while, and I was able to create a house with it!  I think this will be useful in an interior design class because it will help the students make their ideas more tangible and help them better analyze their work.  They can compare their creations with others and get feedback that will aid improvement.

I used Google SketchUp to create the floor design of a house.  It was not too difficult, and I feel that my high school or maybe even junior high students could do what I did.  They could use Google SketchUp to create floor designs for houses and analyze the dimensions, traffic patterns, aesthetic appeals, and space issues that are involved when designing homes.  My students could build the house, and then even begin to work on the inside of the house- adding furniture, painting walls, etc.  Google SketchUp could be used as an ongoing project throughout the semester where each week or so the students work on a different task, adding on to what they did the week before.  The objectives this would fulfill:

  • Learn the importance of traffic patterns in the design of a home.
  • Understand how the elements of design are involved in designing a home.
  • Learn how to incorporate dimensions into the design of a home.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love Picasa, yes I do.

...and After!

Now for the presentation:

  • What edits did you make to the photo, and how did the edits make the image better for your teaching purposes? I increased the contrast, brightened the sun, increased the color temperature, and inserted text over it.  These edits will be beneficial for teaching because the photograph is more vibrant and attention-grabbing, and it has an inspirational message on it.
  • How would you use the image you edited in your instruction?  I could print it onto a poster and put it in my room.  I could also use it in a presentation/lesson for a Teen Living or Adult Roles class where I teach them about careers, futures, hard work, etc.
  • How would you use the presentation you created in your classroom?  I could use this presentation as an example for a project that the students would do in a Teen Living class.  They could post a picture of themselves and then surround that picture with other pictures that represent what they value in their lives.  
  • What other instructional problems could you use this technology for? I could use Picasa if my computer crashes because all my presentations, photographs, videos, etc. would be saved online.  I could also use Picasa for communication between students because it is online and from Google.   
  • What are 2-3 activities you could use this technology for in your own teaching?  I could use Picasa to make albums of certain projects that the students need to do, such as sewing a specific thing or cooking a particular meal.  The photographs in the album could help the students understand visually what they are expected to do.  Another activity that would benefit from Picasa could be in a career development class with students who are interested in Photography and editing.  This program could help them learn if they enjoy editing or not, since Picasa provides simple editing for videos as well as photos.
  • List the instructional standards these activities will meet: Providing visuals for the visual learners in the class, helping the students learn skills in new areas and realize what careers they may want to pursue, providing the students with opportunities to interact with their peers (group work such as making videos or skits and editing them on Picasa).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My idea for my final project is Picasa and figuring out how to apply it to my major of FACSED.  Along with that, I want to learn the Sketch Program for google, which would allow me to create 3D house designs.  This would be useful for Interior Design classes that I may teach.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Copyright Assignment

This person used copyright just fine I think.  They are able to use his lyrics because they stated below the video:  They do not own the video.  All credit goes to the ones who created the song, which is Michael Buble and WMG, and they have nothing to do with them.  They also state that they will not be redistributing the song.  This disclaimer is very important.  This person gave credit to the owners, and that is a correct way to use copyright.  This person also used this video for educational purposes, and that is a proper use as well.  What this person did wrong is that they do not give the source for the photo of Michael Buble posted at the beginning of the video.
This person used copyright well by stating underneath that there is no copyright infringement intended.  They also used an acceptable amount of the episode.  They do not, however, give credit to the website where they acquired the video.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Here's the link for my class website!

The things I did to personalize it:
  • Quotes of the week.
  • link to my blog.
  • countdown to the Annual District Foods Contest
  • shortcut to the calendars for both classes.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I think I will use my website in my teaching to remind my students of upcoming assignments, tests, and activities. I will use it to post assignments, quotes, videos, and links that are useful for my students. I also think my website will be helpful for the students because each class has a calendar provided, so if the students forget when something is due, they can simply go to the website. I think my website will be helpful for parents to see what is happening in class and get to know me a little better by seeing the organization of the class and reading the paragraph about myself.

I think the most useful aspects of the website for me will be the Assignments tab. I can conveniently post all assignments right on my website, and my students can never give the excuse of not having the assignments information. I think the Calendar tabs will be most useful for my students because they can use them to see what assignments and tests are approaching, and they can prepare accordingly. For the parents, I think the Calendars tab will also be most helpful because they can help their students prepare for upcoming assignments and tests.

Monday, August 29, 2011