Friday, December 9, 2011

Internet Safety

I read these articles:,4945,538-1-4830-1,00.html

I think the most important thing that I learned from these readings is that, because the world is so involved in virtual communication and experience, I must watch myself and my loved ones very closely to make sure we don't fall into the trap of living life virtually.
As a teacher, I will educate my students on the effects of cyberbullying.  I will also create an environment where my students will feel comfortable approaching me if they feel they are being cyberbullied.  As a parent, I will do the same with my children.  I will teach them not to cyberbully and will also share with them the importance of living life as it is, not as it appears to be.  I will encourage my children to play outside, be creative with their activities, and spend time with their friends in person rather than through texting, facebook, or whatever else may be invented by this time.  I will provide my children with materials that make these things possible.
I will use what I have learned to improve my relationships with my family members and friends.  I will try not to text so much.  I will try to save stories, information, and exciting news for when I am actually in the presence of my friends and family, if possible and wise.  I really am going to try to text those people less who I know I can spend time with instead.
I think one way to prevent cyberbullying is to encourage kindness and respect.  I think also explaining to my students and children how prevalent cyberbullying is in our society and giving examples of it will help them realize how easy it is to do.  They then may realize the negative effects it has on people.

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